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Marsden High School

Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

Bring your own device (BYOD)

What is BYOD?

Bring your own device or BYOD is a program encouraging students to bring their own laptop or tablet to school for the purpose of learning. Students are able to connect to the Internet to access programs and applications applicable to their studies.


BYOD supports our schools teaching methods and future focused learning by embedding technology into both teaching and learning practice. Teachers are better equipped to engage with students and students more able to interact through the use of programs designed to enhance the learning experience.

BYOD also builds on fundamental twenty-first century skills, such as creative and critical thinking, collaboration and communication that are necessary for a future reliant on technology. It helps close the achievement gap and provides necessary skills for career preparation.

BYOD increases teaching time and allows for participation in interactive educational games, access to resources, supports collaborative projects through online communication and sharable data and enables ‘real time’ formative assessment in class via online quick quizzes and much more resulting in engaging lessons and study.

Which BYOD device does MHS support?

The preferred device for Marsden High School is the HP Chromebook.

Why HP Chromebook?

  • Affordability – Marsden High School has collaborated with HP to bring you the very best possible price.
  • Durability – The HP Chromebook has co-moulded rubber contact points, a strengthened corner design and durable 180° hinge making it suitable to carry to school everyday.
  • Reliability – The Chromebook quickly launches apps, supports fast web browsing and has efficient battery life, up to 8GB memory and 64GB of storage, all with fast processing speeds.
  • Simple configuration as well as access to Google Suite and Office 365 which all translates to greater student performance.

Why does Marsden recommend Google Suite?

  • Google Suite eliminates the need to carry additional devices, such as thumb drives or CD's and consequently reduces the need to worry about losing these small devices.
  • Easy access – assignments, notes, slides and other digital documents can be easily uploaded and accessed anywhere anytime.
  • Security– your data, content, information and images can all be stored safely in the cloud with access generally requiring authentication (i.e. ID and password). This ensures others cannot readily access your documents. In addition, should something happen to the technology at school; your content will remain safe and available to you via the cloud.
  • Shareability– if students are collaborating on a project or wish to share study notes and data they are able to share some or all of the files they have stored in the cloud.
  • Trackability– making changes to documents is simple thanks to Google Suite. Cloud computing will save multiple revisions and versions of a document so that you can chronologically trace back through the evolution of an item until the document is as needed.
  • Collaboration Google Suite offers different ways in which students can collaborate and partner with classmates to work on a single document or multiple files and folders as a team.