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Marsden High School

Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

Head teacher wellbeing

Student wellbeing is essential not only for academic success, but also for emotional, social, physical and spiritual development both within and outside the parameters of school. Teachers play an integral role in helping students to develop the skills necessary for such development - skills including empathy, resilience, decision-making and leadership and as such Marsden High School has appointed a Head Teacher Wellbeing. Our Head Teacher Wellbeing is responsible for supporting a wide variety of student wellbeing programs across Marsden; more specifically this role involves the following:

  • Supporting Indigenous students both culturally and academically.
  • Supporting students with identified and diagnosed needs that require further support.
  • Working with our Learning Support Team to advocate on behalf of parents and students.
  • Inter-agency liaising on behalf of the School Principal to support students and parents e.g. Health NSW, Housing NSW, Stewart House, TAFE NSW and more.
  • Responding to and liaising with staff and students regarding bullying and acting on these reports.
  • Development and facilitation of support programs for students such as Stewart House referrals, AIMES and RAGE programs.
  • Development and delivery of in-services for staff regarding the support programs on offer at Marsden.
  • Liaising with the school's counsellor.
  • Parental meetings in relation to support structures and the information available to them.
  • Help facilitate and encourage a Growth Mindset approach to teaching and learning across the school.
  • Representing the Principal at various meetings within the Department of Education and with outside agencies.
  • Gathering information on behalf of Marsden High School when required for inter-agency support meetings. 

Our Head Teacher Wellbeing is available for each of our students. Students are able to self-refer when required, otherwise referrals can be issued by Year Advisors, Deputy Principals or the School Principal. However, please note students wishing to self refer are required to make an appointment.