Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

Historical perspectives

Our HSIE faculty will provide our Stage 4 Pinnacle and Year 9 History 1 with the opportunity to explore History through performance.

"Historical Perspectives" is a short course that will allow the participants to explore a particular period in history by viewing and examining a variety of historical sources. Students are then encouraged to think about how an understanding of history is achieved and in turn form their own perspective of the studied period.

Students will then engage in the process of playbuilding. They will attempt to communicate their perspective by employing their creative skills in order to narrate and perform. To portray a strong image students will be taught ways to manipulate dramatic elements and Drama conventions.

A performance for students and families will mark the end of the course.

The students enjoy the process immensely and at the same time develop problem solving and analytical thinking skills. It will help them build their confidence and become better performers and communicators.

If your child has an interest in History, investigating, creating, writing, leading, working with technology and/or performing please encourage them to audition.