Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Hub

The Department of Education has launched the Mental Health Hub website. It has been developed to ensure advice is available to anyone who needs it, at any time. It is important that mental health support for our students is varied and accessible for everyone.

The Mental Health Hub is a useful toolkit for students, parents and teachers as it has some really practical resources, from tips on how to start a conversation with someone doing it tough to finding ways to improve their own mental fitness.

The website is broken down into three categories: information for parents, information for teachers and information for students; and has had input from leading mental health advocacy groups, including ReachOut, headspace, Kids Helpline and Beyond Blue.

The Mental Health Hub can be accessed at:


Emotional Health at Marsden website


We acknowledge the current unprecedented times, that everyone is dealing with the recent, vast changes that we have seen in our society.

Marsden High School would like to provide support to students and families during these times, in doing so we have produced an Emotional Health website. 

We acknowledge there are many emotional concerns experienced by young people.

This website aims to support students and families by providing both relevant and current Mental Health information from a variety of experts and organisations and lists local health services.

This list of services will grow in capacity as more local services register their information with us. Families are encouraged to undertake their own research on the right health information and services they feel is best suited to their needs.


Marsden would like to express thanks to Stu Cameron and Unifii for their assistance with developing this initiative.