Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

Pinnacle Students Control Robot 1400km Away

STEM robot control 

Year 7 Pinnacle Science 

From their classroom here at school, Year 7 Pinnacle Science students took control of a robot nearly 1400km away in Adelaide, interacting with the presenter, activating and moving the robot. This activity was designed to demonstrate the real applications of energy conservation and its benefits to our planet. It was mind blowing observing our students exploit software and technology in order to control this robot.

We look forward to 2017 which will provide us with many more exciting STEM experiences, so stayed tuned to see what else our students get up to.

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to the Marsden High School STEM Team for their valuable suggestions, feedback and immense amount of hard work and dedication to this project.


For more information on STEM please feel free to contact the school during school hours.