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Marsden High School

Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

Facebook Rules of Engagement

Facebook Rules of Engagement

Marsden High School has many active and informative social media pages and we strongly encourage our students and families to follow and engage with these platforms. Our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages have been created with our school community in mind and we work hard to ensure they are well maintained and up-to-date with the latest information about our school. We regularly post photos of student achievement, class activities, excursions and publish important information about our school.

We would like to take a moment to thank all of our Facebook followers for your continued positive contribution to our page. We appreciate that everything you bring to our page is respectful and in accordance with our Rules of Engagement. However, in the interest of maintaining a friendly and safe page for our students and followers we ask if you could please take a moment to review our Rules of Engagement.

A copy of the Rules of Engagement can be found under the 'Notes' tab on our Facebook page.