Marsden High School

Telephone02 9874 6544

From the department

Get #FirstDay2021 ready for the new school year

Blue background. Left - Male high school student with text '11-12' to his left. Right - Female high school student with text 'YR7' to her right.

Be prepared for the new school year with our back to school tips and tools.  

The start of a new school year can be both an exciting and demanding time for parents and students alike.

Our parents and carers Back to school hub can help you prepare for the year ahead with practical articles, tools, activities, calendars and checklists so you and your child can be ready from day 1, term 1. 

Find out about what your child will learn in high school, how to support their health and wellbeing, and help them make decisions about their future.

There's also a dedicated section for students starting Year 7 and Year 11 & 12 where you'll find tips for a smooth transition into high school, and pathways for students after school.

Video – #FirstDay2021

Duration – 0:49